Agip House, Haile Selassie Avenue

Monday- Saturday: 9:00 – 04:30

+(254) 0734 387042

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Official Business Emails

Official Business Emails for your company With our service, you can customize your email address to include your business name

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Project Management System

Project Management System A project management system is a tool that helps Companies individuals and teams plan, track, and execute

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Web Design

Business Intelligence ERP for SMEs An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a software solution that provides a comprehensive suite

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Hospital Management System

Run your hospital operations on the cloud or on-premise software and be ensured of its reliability, security, and ability to

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Point of Sale Solution

Our Savvy Point of Sale System is revolutionizing the way businesses manage their sales, inventory, payments and customer purchase behaviour.

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ERP Solution

Business Intelligence ERP for SMEs An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a software solution that provides a comprehensive suite

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